Saturday, February 4, 2017

Idle Web Tycoon (Kongregate): a slightly better versioin than the one on Silver Games

Idle Web Tycoon (via Kongregate)

I’m guessing that this is the “??? COMING SOON” that Silver Games never had the time to put on their site. Anyway, for the most part, the Idle Web Tycoon game hosted on both Silver Games and Kongregate are the same. The central difference is that this version has a conquer-the-world feature at the end where you will eventually have the option to enslave the globe and force every citizen of every continent to click on your website, cool right?

So despite minutes if not hours of mindless clicking that you will be doing to get to this point in the game, you might just find yourself curious (if not bored) enough to just get on with it and finish the damn game.

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